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Do not copy, share, or reproduce any of the content found on or within this website.

Many of these pages contain original content and theories developed by me for my books. This is copyrighted material and that copyright belongs to me.

The titles of my books have been included throughout these pages to help assist in identifying content being my theory or a mythology developed by me.

Academic articles, links to other pages and video content contain links to said pages and all content copyrights of that information is retained by the original creator. I have included their links and information as a resource for readers of my books and content.

Existence of copyright is mentioned on every page of this website. I also have included this more detailed copyright page to avoid confusion. The design of this website is also under copyright.

Meaning, I will sue anyone who tries to steal, appropriate or gain “inspiration” from my original content.

Permissions: you may request permission to use the copyright materials created and owned by Nicole Lynn Anstedt (Henneman) on this website by writing to

If any permissions are granted, all material used, copied, etc. must be attributed to Nicole Lynn Anstedt (Henneman).

Attribution of original content: Copyright Nicole Lynn Anstedt (Henneman) © 2021

You must also include my website

Copyright Nicole Lynn Anstedt (Henneman) © 2021

-The source of content not created or owned by Nicole Lynn Anstedt (Henneman) must also be fully, accurately, and clearly attributed to the original creator/owner. It is your responsibility to obtain those permissions and information as it wholly and fully separate from this copyright notice.-

The material owned by me include this website, pages, design, book covers, concepts, manuscripts/poetry/excerpts, typed content, photographs under the photograph tab and personal documents. All content relating to my story and my books belongs to me and is copyrighted.

Material belonging to others will be copy/pasted from websites with embedded links to the content unless under common domain. The video content belonging to others will have a link embedded directly to the source of the video. All artwork belonging to others will be cited or linked unless taken from a royalty-free/citation-free site.


Copyright Nicole Lynn Anstedt (Henneman) © 2021

This website and its pages contains and displays intellectual property that is either owned by Nicole Anstedt (Henneman) or is owned by outside (attributed) creators.

Links to sources of materials and information, outside of the works of fiction created by Nicole Anstedt (Henneman), are provided as available.

Nicole Lynn Anstedt (Henneman) holds and maintains sole ownership of copyright relating to the original content and design of this website.

Content on this website includes elements of original fictional work that is the sole ownership and creation of Nicole Lynn Anstedt (Henneman).

The original content on this website is not intended to be used, partially or in its entirety, by anyone else or for anyone to take creative license/inspiration from the material. The content also contains original research and factual information by, about, and from Nicole Lynn Anstedt (Henneman). This information, research, personal data and all original content is the sole ownership of Nicole Lynn Anstedt (Henneman) and is not intended for the use or distribution or re-distirbution by or for any other individuals, organizations, groups, companies, non-profits, corporations, etc.

The copyright for this website and all original content on this website (including all intellectual property such as original text, characters, fictional /non-fictional events, blog posts, concepts, computer code, research, artwork, photographs, images, music, audio material, design elements, representations, video material, book covers, book trailers, and audio-visual material on this website) is owned by Nicole Lynn Anstedt (Henneman).

This copyright excludes all videos, artwork, articles and other materials otherwise attributed to or created by any individual/s other than Nicole Lynn Anstedt (Henneman). The original creator/owner retains copyright to and for any material attributed to or created by them.

Copyright license: Nicole Lynn Anstedt (Henneman) grants to you a worldwide non-exclusive revocable license to: view this website and the material on this website. Nicole Lynn Anstedt (Henneman) does not grant you any other rights in relation to this website, its content or any other material on this website. In other words, all other rights are reserved. For the avoidance of doubt, you must not adapt, edit, reword/rephrase, truncate, change, transform, publish, republish, distribute, redistribute, broadcast, rebroadcast or show or play in public this website or the material on this website (in any form or media) without Nicole Lynn Anstedt’s (Henneman) prior written permission. Any and all quotations from the website or content from/by Nicole Lynn Anstedt (Henneman) must be fully, accurately, and clearly attributed.

Data mining: the automated and/or systematic collection of data from this website is prohibited.

Permissions: you may request permission to use the copyright materials on this website by writing to

If any permissions are granted, all material used, copied, etc. must be attributed to Nicole Lynn Anstedt (Henneman).

Attribution of original content: Copyright Nicole Lynn Anstedt (Henneman) © 2021

You must also include my website

Copyright Nicole Lynn Anstedt (Henneman) © 2021

The source of other content must also be fully, accurately, and clearly attributed.

Enforcement of copyright: Nicole Lynn Anstedt (Henneman) takes the protection of its copyright very seriously. If Nicole Lynn Anstedt (Henneman) discovers that you have used any copyrighted materials in contravention of the license above, Nicole Lynn Anstedt (Henneman) may bring legal proceedings against you seeking monetary damages and an injunction to stop you using those materials. You could also be ordered to pay legal costs and will have to formally credit and attribute, in writing, any intellectual property created or developed by Nicole Lynn Anstedt (Henneman). This includes formal notice of copyright infringement and proper attribution in any publications, documents, journals, books, websites, promotional materials, social media, etc. that the content appeared in.