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One of the symbols of the vere is the crown, but as you can see, the symbolism of royalty and even that of the crown goes much deeper. On the person believed to be the first and only female Pope, Joan, the papal tiara is in the shape of an egg or beehive. In her hand are two green keys and on her chest is spread a watchful dove.

While the crown forever stands as a reminder of our ties to royal vampirism, it is the legend of Pope Joan that also reminds females of the extent males, specifically, will go to in order to impede their ability to succeed and hold positions of power. Of course, we have examples of strong queens but they are almost always, with the exception of Elizabeth I, eclipsed by their male kings.

I am also reminded of the ancient Scythian female warriors, the “Amazons.” It was said that the Scythian males were too effeminate and had more interest in each other than their potential female partners so the warriors took up with more masculine slaves and left the area undefended. 

This is reflected in vampyre society as females are typically killed or stunted due to their strength but it leaves the males unable to mate or have a female counterpart outside of creating more humans with a human female. Those females that do survive have often gravitated toward the wolven due to their strength and willingness to defend the female. That, however, does not mean the groups will not conspire against the female. The human jealousy, manipulation, and cunning, paired with fear from the vampyre and werewolf, spells death for the unsuspecting female. This, of course, leaves the vampyre and werewolf males in a vulnerable position as it would appear that the human was directing their actions and, therefore, stood as superior to both races. This can hardly be denied as the human would have convinced them to destroy their true consort/counterpart and mate, and ostensibly means a human resulted in the eventual end of their races–the ultimate revenge of Eve.