Divination Readings
Kindred do not typically offer readings or other divination services.
This is particularly true for humans.
I do not offer private readings, nor will I solicit potential clients or answer requests for readings.
Any clients I possibly choose to read for represent less than the top 1% of the population. They must be introduced to me through a mutual, Kindred acquaintance who possesses a current, actual inner knowledge of the client, their personality, practices, and lives. These individuals must exhibit the utmost discretion and have exemplary energy.
There are occasions when I may choose to conduct a reading as charity or as a gift. These are rare, few, and far between.
We are not beholden to humans, nor are we slaves to them. Kindred are sovereign beings.
For the public, I do post daily Frequency Forecasts on YouTube.
You can find those readings by looking for my NicoCosmica-Frequency Forecast videos.